2014 Volunteer Appreciation Lunch


Volunteers are essential to the work we do at SAVCFS.  To demonstrate our appreciation for their efforts, our Annual Volunteer Appreciation Lunch was held on May 29, 2014 to commemorate all who have volunteered at SAVCFS between April 2013 – May 2014.  Also, A SPECIAL thank-you goes out to HarbourLight for their food contribution, and to Major Cathy Burrows for her presentation.

IMG_0785Volunteers are essential to the work we do at SAVCFS.  To demonstrate our appreciation for their efforts, our Annual Volunteer Appreciation Lunch was held on May 29, 2014 to commemorate all who have volunteered at SAVCFS between April 2013 – May 2014.  Also, A SPECIAL thank-you goes out to HarbourLight for their food contribution, and to Major Cathy Burrows for her presentation.