On Earth as it is in Heaven
Hope Stories
What can we do to seek justice together?
Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10).
For several years I lived in an international community, sharing daily life together for eight weeks with Christian leaders from many countries. During that time, I learned of the grievous suffering and oppression of women around the world. I was not aware of such things before, but my eyes were opened by hearing the stories of these women.
On one departure day, when the leaders with whom I’d shared life were returning to their home contexts, two of the women from South Asia said to me very directly, “Don’t forget us.” In that plea, I understood that they knew I had influence, education and access to power, and they needed me to use my voice on their behalf as I had opportunity.
I have not forgotten them. I received their words as a calling within a calling for my own life—to use my voice, influence and strength for the sake of others, and for the sake of women and girls in particular.
I currently work with the International Social Justice Commission (ISJC)—The Salvation Army’s strategic voice to advocate for h