About the

As the saying goes, to learn about one's culture, commune in a homegrown cuisine-- since Feb 2022, with the generous support of the Innovation Grant, we have had the honour of communing in different cultural meals and learning about different heritage stories through Multicultural Cooking classes. Every class, we welcome Neighbours within our Community of hope to lead in cooking classes, where they generously open the doors to their homes through mouth-watering popular cultural cuisines!


Includes one Dish with ingredients

Next Class:

5th March, 2022

To register and stay up to date on upcoming cooking classes, please stay tuned to the Salvation Army Vancouver on Instagram and Twitter for the latest updates.

“The class is awesome! Everything is great. It widened my horizons as it introduced me to the food culture and history of other countries and places”

-Class Participant

Led by
Vancouver and

Joint by our Food Coordinator, Boundless Vancouver invites Neighbours and Volunteers as honored Guest chefs, to show us the ropes in making a popular dish from their home countries.

Dish up

Show your support and learn about Food cultures from all over the Globe right at Boundless Vancouver! Bask in community, warmth, joy (and good music) whilst satisfying your tastebuds. Ingredient are included within the Registration fee.

*Registration fees depend on category of cuisine
- Appetizer: $5-10
- Main Course: $10-15
- Main Course with Appetizer: $15-20
- Dessert: $10-20


“the cooking class is super informative and well planned. I had lots of fun with my neighbours! Thanks for organising!"

-Class Participant